The Randle Reef Sediment Remediation Project Stage 2 was to dredge 400,000 m3 of contaminated sediments and place them in an Engineered Containment Facility (ECF), treat and dewater the ECF contaminated water prior to placement of fill materials, and isolation capping and thin layer capping of remaining contaminated sediment over some of the work area.
Milestone completed this project within a Joint Venture with FRPD. Located in the southwest corner of Hamilton Harbour, in the Port of Hamilton, the Randle Reef site is roughly 60 hectares in size.
The site contains approximately 695,000 cubic metres of sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other toxic chemicals – the largest PAH-contaminated sediment site on the Canadian Great Lakes. The dredging of the contaminated sediment was completed using a cutter suction dredge that removes material from the lakebed and transports it as a slurry through a pipeline to the ECF. As the slurry containing contaminated sediments was pumped into the ECF, the solids were allowed to settle out, and then the water was pumped mechanically to an upland water treatment plant where it was treated, tested, and discharged back into the harbour. The water treatment system involved removal of total suspended solids and treatment of PAH and metals impacted water.
For more information about Randle Reef click here.
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