A project with a focus on creating jobs during and after project completion
In 2015, Milestone with Matcon Civil Constructors undertook a design-build project for the Tsawwassen First Nation to complete a constructed wetland designed to receive reclaimed water produced from the TFN wastewater treatment facility prior to being discharged to the saltwater, marine environment. The design requirement for the wetland was focussed on local, native plants and Milestone worked with SLR and Peel Nurseries to source, specify and grow the necessary stock.
Unique solutions for this project included the establishment of a two-year monitoring and maintenance program that provided student and apprenticeship jobs for TFN community members, overseen by a First Nations Liaison to lead the Indigenous crews in the planting of over 20,000 plants, weeding, pest control and supplemental watering.
A 10-year Succession Implementation Plan was created to provide long-lasting opportunities and enhancements on the site for the community. This project and the WTP enabled an exciting development for the Tsawwassen Nation to proceed.
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